when first formed, 97-shiki were four citizens of Chicago, performers of music, creators of songs, maker of recordings. That was in the year two-thousand and eight, and in that year they made a recording, titled after their own collective identity, know as "97-shiki". They cast themselves upon an adventure, une tournée de concerts, to the far-east, whereupon they found themselves in such delightful destinations as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and South Korea. Whilst nobly struggling against the onslaught of life, work, schedules,—Oh! To what heights of MADNESS has lyfe thrust upon the noble efforts of man, in that beyond the one, the many pass hither and yon, like startled thrushes after the braying of wayward hound disturbs their tranquility? They pressed on, to perform many a time in their native Chicagoland, as well as occasional sorties to the SOUTH and EAST of North America. Time passed, and they saw fit to create another recording, of words, and music and art, "Showing Teeth is a Good Decision". As we are now, and quite logically so, in the bosom of the present, 97-shiki continues to perform at shows, take pictures, and speak through Twitter and Facebook. And more tours are on the way. .
— July 10th, 2013 @the Burlington w/Staring Problem
— August 9th, 2013 @Township w/Fake Limbs, Trophy Wives (Louisville, KY), Split Feet